Have you missed me????
of course you haven't lol. I bet you have been loving the peace and quiet from me.
Well I have missed you all loads.....
Where have I been? well not far! mainly my bedroom, and this is not for good times but for bad!
I have been sulking :-( I have got a bad cough that I can't seem to shift. trip to the doctors I think.
I have been given the boot by my slave, he has moved in with his girlfriend and says he doesn't have the time to spend with me..... well his loss not mine! I am gona miss him tho, he was a great slave boy.
Also a very special man friend of mine has upset me too. he won't talk to me as much as he used to. I just wish that we could go back to how we were. If you are reading this sweetie pie please lets chat xxxx
Well boys and girls lets get back onto the exciting things, I bet I am boring you.
- I have been giving away free nicethings, I have given away panties and picture sets and made some boys very very very happy !
Also you may know that I am looking for a new slave, as you read earlier my last one had too leave. We had a blast.
email me if you are interested. I am a free bitch at the moment :-) x
Love Lily xxx