Wednesday, 20 July 2011

How do I look?

Hiya lovelies

Well my healthy new fitness regime is going well. (ish)
I have been a good girl and stuck to a healthy diet and been doing alot of exercise.
I feel loads better and my nicethings are fitting me nicer.
 What do you think?

Av still got a lot of toning up to do but it all takes time :-)
P.S, not eaten chocolate for 3 whole days now.... aaarrrrggghhhh
I need a substitute to chocolate, any ideas????

Love Lily xx
Sugar & Spice and all things nice

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Lily's new friends

Afternoon all,
how are you all this wet and windy sunday afternoon.
I have got myself a few new friends..... wana see?

Minnie mouse

but who is this one? any ideas anyone? xxxx

Lily x

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Where has the sunshine gone..........

Evening boys and girls

I hope this finds you all very well this evening.
Well where has the summer sunshine gone???? I am sooooooo cold bbbbrrrrrr

the weather has been rubbish this week, so rubbish that I have resorted to snuggling up on the sofa with a cup of tea and blanket.
A blanket in July! OMG lol

Whilst I have been snuggled up at home in the cold evenings I have been doing some doodleing lol
I got one of those felt coulouring pictures. Do you like? hahahah
If you really like it and want it contact me and it can be yours. I will even sign it for you lol

Do you peeps want an update on my new health regime??
well its not that great. I have been really good with what I eat and done loads of exercise but guess what, I have not yet lost a single pound.
I am so gutted, I have worked so hard :-(
I am not giving up tho.....staying positive

I am having a summer sale whoop whoop!
I am going to have a few panties in this sale for a bargain one time price of £5 per pair with 24 hours wear. this is less than half price :-)
be quick before they all fly out of my panty draw giggle giggle

Chat soon sexy boys and girls
Love Lily xxxxxx

Friday, 8 July 2011

I LOVE british weather

evening hunnies

British weather is so strange, one minute its red hot, the next it is freezing cold. one day its glorious sunshine and the next we are 3ft under snow.
But the weather that I love the most is thunder and lightening rain storms. these are the best when I am snuggled up on the sofa with a cuppa lol x

but do you know what is even better? when the sun starts coming out after a storm and makes a very colourful sight in the sky.......

a rainbow, I am always amazed by these.
Do you think that there will be a pot of gold in the garden of that house?

Lily xx

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

diet diary

hello my sugar plum fairies, and my slave boys.

I am on day 2 of my diet and so far so good. no cheats or temptations :-) I am well chuffed.

Well humble slut slave failed his last task! how dare he. he will be punished. G slave excelled once again, There is nothing G slave can fail on.

G slave is still Lily's number 1 slave xxxx

I am having so much fun with these 2 slaves, I just hope they are having fun too. The new task is a nice easy pleasant one so they should both pass with flying colours. cant wait to see the results x

I had a 3rd slave but he had to be let go for disobeying Miss Lily. but this is good news for you all  cos it means I have a new vacancy opening.
If you are interested contact me.

Don't forget boys and girls that I am a nice panty girl with a slight twist of naughtiness thrown in for a bit more fun

Sugar & Spice and all things nice

Lily xxx

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Time to get FIT! seriously this time

Right all
I have been moaning for ages about how much weight I have gained this year.
I can only blame myself cos I am the one that shoves the food into my mouth. right well it stops now.
I am going to follow a healthy well ballanced diet and exercise program to trim back into shape. I was so much happier when I exercised regulary. at the moment I haven't excercised for weeks and I am so tired. exercise gave me loads of energy and made me feel great!

I am going to keep you all updated on my progress and I would love your help and support.

You can help me a little bit if you like..... whilst i am doing my keep fit regime you can purchase my panties and I will wear them for an exercise session. If you want these panties just contact me and mention work out panties and you can have a pair for just £8. this includes 24hrs wear and a session :-)

P.S - I have just filmed a vid of me in my leotard on the tiny trampoline if you are up for a giggle lol x

Do you think I can keep it up? lets see shall we........but I am really determined this time. I just want to be fit and healthy and feel good x

Sugar & Spice
Lily xx